Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Brown Eyes, Destiny's child

I love this song!!!! Berawalnya tahun 2003, waktu masih baru-barunya sama WJ. Hahaha....jadi keinget lagi, manis sekali hari -hari itu. Sekarang beliaunya sudah menikah, baruuu aja. "Selamat ya sayang, selamat menempuh hidup baru, may GOD bless the two of you, semoga bahagia selalu..."

Remember the first day when I saw your face

remember the first day when you smiled at me

you stepped to me and you said to me

I was the woman you dreamed about

remember the first day when you called my house

remember the first day when you took me out

we had butterflies although we tried to hide

and we both had a beautiful night

The way we held each others hand

the way we talked the way we laughed

it felt so good to find true love

I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that he loves me cause he told me so

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show

when he stares at me you know that he cares for me

you see how he is so deep in love

I know that he loves me cause its obvious

I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts

and he's missing me if he's not kissing me

and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

Remember the first day, the first day we kissed

remember the first day we had an argument

we apologized and then we compromised

and we haven't argued since

remember the first day we stopped playing games

remember the first day you fell in love with me

it felt so good for you to say those words

cause I felt the same way too

The way we held each others hand

the way we talked the way we laughed

it felt so good to fall in love

and I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that he loves me cause he told me so

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show

when he stares at me you know that he cares for me

you see how he is so deep in love

I know that he loves me cause its obvious

I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts

and he's missing me if he's not kissing me

and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

i'm so happy so happy that you're in my life

and baby now that you're a part of me

you showed me

showed me the meaning of true love

and i know he loves me

I know that he loves me cause he told me so

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show

when he stares at me you know that he cares for me

you see how he is so deep in love

I know that he loves me cause its obvious

I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts

and he's missing me if he's not kissing me

and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

He looks at me and his brown eyes tell his soul

Senin, 08 Juni 2009

aku sudah kembali, dan tak akan pergi lagi...

kemarin, untuk pertama kalinya setelah 2.5 tahun, aku ikutan acara oriflame. rasa yang berbeda. aura yang berbeda.

[the search] the real man.
agak geli mengingat para finalis kayaknya gada yg real man, hehehehehe... kulit putih terawat, tubuh sempurna terpahat.... Hmmm...golongan pria2 yang terlalu mencintai diri sendiri... nggak deh, makasih... kurang "pria" kayaknya....

Mengikuti acara sebagai pengunjung, (dan bukan panitia) ternyata berbeda. Tak ada keraguan dan kekhawatiran. Tak ada ketegangan.... tak ada kesibukan...
It's all about fun fun and fun....

On my first step to the venue, rassanya seperti dejavu...

Dentum musik itu, tepuk tangan itu, semangat itu... it was MY world. Kesadaran itu membuatku terkesima. I really miss my old life...

Detik itu aku tahu, dentum itu, semangat itu, gemuruh tepuk tangan itu... untukku.
Aku sudah kembali, dan aku tak ingin pergi lagi....

Kamis, 23 April 2009


merindumu, di setiap helaan nafas....
,mendengarmu, di tiap hembusan bayu...

kau tak lagi nyata, kau tak lagi ada

tuhanku, aku harus bagaimana????

Selasa, 07 April 2009


menahun kutunggu kata-kata yang merangkum semua....
dan kini kuharap kudimengerti, walau sekali saja...

tiada yang tersembunyi..tak perlu mengingkari rasa sakitku, rasa sakitmu...
inilah kejujuran, tiada lagi alasan, perih adanya namun ini jawabnya

lepaskanku segenap jiwamu , tanpa harus ku berdusta
karena kaulah satu yang kusayang
dan tak layak kau didera.....

sadari diriku pun kan sendiri di dini hari yang sepi
tetapi apalah arti bersama, berdua, namun semu semata

tiada yang terobati di dalam peluk ini rasakan semua, sebelum kau kulepas selamanya
tak juga kupaksakan setitik pengertian, namun ini adanya...CINTA YANG TAK LAGI SAMA...

sepesial tengs tu dewi lestari

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

play rough on me? i don't think so, buddy!!!!

hari ini, kesekian kalinya aku dapat perlakuan tidak menyenangkan... i'm trying my best to remain calm... but i think it will be the last...

sometimes... what other people done to you is a reflection of you. You soar fire, you'll get the fire back...

is this what happen to me? mmm...mmm..mm, i might be a little unpleasant sometimes... and for that case, I AM the one that sould change, I AM the one who need to appologize... And i believe i would do that... i am sorry....

but this? this human (we should name it man or woman , but i prefer not to ;) ) behaviour is so annoying. Not everytime, it just happen when this human didn't get what he want.
Once he had a dissapoint momment, he will blame other, act roughly to anyone...including ME.

Me? Yes me. i'm the one who used to support this human in everything(except money, hehe). Me, the one who stay with him when other didn't.

Actually i really want to take a calculator and calculate our relationship in numbers of point, (again, not money) . Tapi kata orangtua, ga boleh hitung-hitungan kan? hehehehe... of course i wouldn't... i just wanna compare what we both give each other... (yeee..sama aja kaleeee)

The most important thing in a relationship with other is a comfortness, right? At the begining, honestly i've been pushed my self too hard to accept this human as a friend. He was so kind, a little annoying, but very kind.

Now, i've made my decisions... No one have the right to play rough on me when i do nothing the same on them. If it is a habbit then there's nothing i can do to make it better.

So, everybody... i will tell him not to, and then i will say good bye

buat adek kemal

sayang....mama kangen sekali.....
sendirian di rumah, ga ada adek sepi banget deh...

inget adek kalo lagi lari-lari...
(bola-bola pada nganggur tuh di rumah)
wondering adek lagi apa disana...
sudah maem belum...
sehatkah... bahagiakah....

as we know, dear son....
you'll handled with care and love, ada eyang, tante usi, mama nino, mbak dira and bapak agus (walopun lwt tlp doang)
there's nothing to worry about...

i just feel so empty...
mama jadi mellow....hehehehe.....

moga2 semua cepet beres...kita bisa ketemu lagi...
pengennya mama yang kesana, jemput adek....kita liat aja ya sayang...

jagain eyang dan mbak dira ya dek... jagoan mama gitu loh...
hepi hepi disana ya le... CU, mwuah


Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

untukmu (chapter 2), aku memaafkanmu

aku mempersiapkan peperangan denganmu
tak terbayang betapa sengit akan terjadi....

tapi...apa yang akan kudapat darimu...?
kau tak punya apapun... keberanian, jati diri, tanggung jawab...
kau miskin segalanya....

rasanya aku lebih berpunya darimu... :D

akhirnya aku tau, perang ku adalah bukan denganmu
aku berperang dengan nurani....
bertempur dengan suara-suara dalam hati
suara yang meneriakkan namamu penuh kesumat...
suara yang memintaku menghunus pedang tajam padamu...

tapi sekali lagi, aku lebih kaya darimu
aku masih punya keberanian untuk berdiri sendiri...bertanggungjawab akan laku hidupku...
sebuah kesadaran untuk menyadari bahwa kau tak lagi layak untuk dimintai...
and more over, KERELAAN UNTUK MENYANTUNIMU dengan sebuah MAAF...

aku memaafkanmu, dan aku memenangkan pertarungan dengan diriku...

akulah pemenang!